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3 things you should do before you go on a hike

I know its been a while and you're all raving to go on another hike but hold on to your torches for now (even if you cant turn them on - wouldn't want to spoil you night vision) and get yourself super prepared for our next hike!

Break in your walking boots.

We you all want to run out in to the woods, and we don’t blame you. But remember you must take the time to grab a pair of suitable walking boots and break them in (your feet will thank you). All you have to do is wear them around the house for a few days to make sure you avoid the dreaded blisters. OUCH! to not so ouch

Check the weather forecast, then check it again.

The UK’s weather is full of surprises and so are the weather forecasters so check, check again, and dress appropriately for the weather. remember to layer you clothes to ensure warm air is trapped inside (and so you have options if it’s not quite the weather you were expecting or hoping for). It’s always worth investing in a nice waterproof jacket just in case it does start raining so you wont be completely soaked.

Pack your bag.

Choose a nice sized backpack that’ll leave your arms free. Don’t forget your snacks and other essentials such as a small first aid kit, blister plasters, water bottles and a torch. Don't forget some snacks for the leaders!

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