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Highlights of Our Key Past &
Ongoing Projects

Helping Households Under Great Stress (HHUGS)


Gaza 2023

Raising much-needed funds in partnership with Muslim Scout Fellowship and Islamic Relief, this is an ongoing project, so please donate below:

Gaza 2023 onwards


Pakistan Flood Relief 2022

More than 33 million people were affected in the devastating floods in Pakistan.  Our scouts were moved and took up various fund-raising activities including a very successful cake bake sale.  The 4 patrol pages were:

Ibn Taymiyyah

Ibn Rajab

Ibn Qayyim

Ibn Kathir


Turkey / Syria Earthquakes - 2023

2 major earthquakes of magnitude 7.8 and 7.4 struck central Türkiye and northwest Syria.  Our scouts decided to raise funds, further details can be found here.

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